August 17, 2008

Liver Cleanse Aftermath

i did it. Last night i drank the gnarley concoction of olive oil and grapefruit juice and boy does it leave a gross taste in your mouth, but it actually goes down easier than the epsom salts. i went immediately to bed as per the instructions, but maybe because my stomach was too empty, or maybe because i was trying to remain fixed on my right side while sleeping, i couldnt sleep. i probably went to bed about 5:30 in the morning, and my girlfriend said i kept kicking her and stealing the covers. Man i was miserable. It was an eternity of waiting for an oblivion that finally crept up, put a bagover my head, and knocked me out. i dont remember falling asleep. i do remember that when i first laid down i started itching almost immediately and worried there was a mosquito that would keep biting me all night. Turned out to be ants crawling on my legs. Much better. They eventually died off though.

So this morning i felt like i had to give birth, but before that i got myself to the fridge and drank 6 more ounces of the epsom salt and apple juice. That jump-started my bowels so fast i thought i would drop anchor on the living room rug, but i didnt.

The short of it is my innards were fully cleansed until i could only squirt water, and according to my friend who is a yoga teacher and a fasting veteran, the floating little round bits that came out were the stones, actually crystallized cholesterol, calcified salt, or a mixture of things. Pretty cool eh?

i guess i would have to recommend doing this for the experience at least once. i definitely felt cleaner, lighter, more evergetic right after. Ended up getting alot of house cleaning done this morning which i think i normally wouldnt have done. Also my meditation the last couple of days has felt clearer, more improved, much like thinking seems sharper during a fast.

Thats it for now. Tune in next time...