May 6, 2010

What is real?
The knowledge comes with pain we create.
i separate myself in time.
Pieces of me are all you see
when what i am is everything.
In this moment i am free
and i am you, and you are me.

The ocean churns and rolls about
and we are lost in thoughts,
thoughts that bind and cage,
make us feel a dance of time
that is not real-
a human perception.
i cause you pain or do i?
if all is one then i am pain
and pain is me, as is love.
so where am i, and what am i
if not this tiny ego?

We are that which abides in silence,
beyond the ocean, beyond the dance of life.
We are God.

The chaos still remains in this mind.
Men sweat away at their jobs, machines
erecting buildings outside.
My ears hear them and remind me i am still a human,
a tiny ego dancing this tiny life.
But who am i and who are you,
and what the devil does this mean?
for we are one and we are many-
we are God and yet we are tiny flecks
of God-dust.

And so it goes...
My little soul feels sorrow.
I believe i am alone.
But alone is impossible, i remind myself.
You are everything.
And if this is so then
everyone is connected.

If God is one then God is alone...

The human mind makes this idea:
that alone is undesirable,
that alone is unhappy.
The human mind sees time and space.
But in the moment i choose my reaction,
choose to see different,
choose to be the environment,
rather than be affected by it.

In the darkness of the cave i light a torch
by which to see.
The light is so bright it
casts out all shadows.
I walk a silent path
with silent thoughts,
and the walls enfold me with their peace.
Calm, i walk ahead unafraid
and hold the light inside...