July 1, 2008

Healthy Crap?

So i am a vegetarian right? And i used to do all that fasting back when i lived with the monks, and then continued a couple years after. Recently i havent really done it, except one day here or there, because i started getting really gaseous and bloated for a coule days after each fast. My crap over the years has gotten softer. And im not sure if i should attribute it to fasting, vegetarianism, or some nasty virus that Sam picked up in India, then gave to me in Thailand. No, its not AIDS. But it gave me the most massive diarrhea of my life, and since then i swear my poo has dwindled from its once solid form.

Not too long ago i pumped a clump into a cup at the doctors just to be sure. No parasites apparently. But i crap alot, like 3 or 4 times a day, and they are usually urgent poos, not slowly percolating ones. Why do i think you want to know this? Because who doesnt think talking about poo is funny? And in this case, educational. Bet you didnt know all of this about my brown logs, or vegetarian poo. In any case, I have decided to believe that my dumps are healthy, and their frequency a sign of said health, brought on by eating lots of fibrous things. But i still wonder about fecal density... Just how soft should this shit be?