July 14, 2008

Small Legs Dangling

Riding home the other night i saw this woman sitting on the back of a scooter in front of me. i looked down at her legs and saw that they were abnormally small and scrawny. Then it occurred to me that these were a third pair of legs, in between her's and the driver's. They were a child's. Now this in itself is not a strange phenomenon. i see little kids dangling from scooters all the time around here. What was strange was the optical illusion that three pairs of legs smooshed together created for me as i sat atop my own motorcycle. And the fact that the legs in question did indeed belong to a child reemphasized to me the appalling nature of such a frail body having quite a lack of protection.

The other day i saw a man cruising his scooter across the street at no small speed with 3 children crowded together in front of him with no helmets. To the kids i'm sure it's super fun careening around with the wind in their faces and the objects speeding by. To the parents it must simply be a matter of necessity. I'm not sure why it isn't illegal to barrel down the road with a few helmetless kids on a scooter, but i've never heard of anyone getting a ticket for it.