July 19, 2008


i dont really feel like writing. Not sure why. I guess it's not instilling the same passion in me it once did. Maybe it's because i have been out of the habit for so long, or maybe it's because there are so many other distractions, forms of entertainment i can get sidetracked by. I just read this article about pictures off Facebook being used to incriminate a 20 year old in his drunk driving case. Sent him to prison for two years, and the judge said he was definitely influenced by seeing the "remorseless" photos of the kid partying so recently after the accident which left a girl hospitalized.

Although it is interesting to know we should be wary about incriminating ourselves on these social networking sites (and of course blogs like these), reading the story makes me think i should fast from the news in addition to fasting from TV. There isn't much good news out there. It's all bombings, murders, protests, disasters, and anything else sensational and dramatic that the media knows we'll buy into, and we do it because it momentarily suspends reflection on our own lives, just like when we watch TV and get ensconced in the problems of the characters so that we don't have to live our own stories. Our own stories are generally far more interesting, but we usually don't think so, or just don't pay enough attention to what is happening. We all have stories though, and i bet most of them would make great plays, books, or movies.

But i digress. This whole entry is a digression from... what? From i suppose the real story which i am currently living and giving attention to, a story everyone gets involved with at some point. I've hit the two year mark in my current relationship, and say what you will, there is something magically crappy that shifts the dynamic of a man and woman's relationship at roughly this 24 month point. I've encountered it before, and I've heard others tell the same tale; it's make or break time. Those little nothing arguments have started popping up in which i have no idea what we are squawking about. As a rule i think that i am right, which of course is what both parties think, so neither one concedes the stupid debate, causing it to erupt into a series of "things you always do that make me mad." These are usually proferred by the girlfriend because she seems to have an uncanny ability to remember every conversation in which you've abased her, and likely the boyfriend only recollects upon hearing said slander. "Always is never true," the boyfriend intones, thinking his logic will quell the barrage of angry words being flung mercilessly upon him. But once Pandora's Box has been breached, closure is a distant shore. When the silence comes it is thundering. Neither one speaks. Instead they sit on the couch waiting for some change to occur which never does. Energies simply have to settle, egos put on ice, and slowly, slowly, the disagreement is catalogued and stored away for another day in court.

But hey let's be positive about this. Maybe adjusting to these minute squabbles is part of the growing process during any long-term healthy relationship. Perhaps we are discovering one another's boundaries and learning how to let go of the ego as it adapts unselfishly to someone else. i guess the only way is to be unselfish, otherwise the ego continues its desire to be right, which is an exercise in futility. i remeber this story Wayne Dyer once told about him and his wife and their occaisional battles which would be heated until he figured out a little trick. He would start to try and empathize and would simply say in utter surrender, "You know, you're right about that." And instantly his wife's missiles would be disarmed and she'd stop for a second and things would simmer down as Wayne tried to adapt to her feelings. But of course after a hundred or so "your right about thats," his wife caught on and would get pissed and feel like he was bullshitting her. At least i think that's how the story went. Point is it worked for awhile, ok? And good old Wayne i'm sure came up with some other plucky way to make peace when this method wore itself out.

Hell i don't know, but i do know it sure as hell feels better to think of positive shit than negative shit. So i choose to be positive.

And that's the end of that entry.